I frequently find that fate or some greater power with a dubious sense of humour enjoys playing games with us when it comes to moving home! The object of our desire, property wise, only seems to show itself at precisely the worst possible moment. And timing is everything, especially at this time of the year. So what’s the solution?
As ever, it’s not rocket science. In the first place, if it’s your dream home, you can bet it’s someone else’s too, so you will have competition. Given that the later Spring season favours those homes with larger gardens, many will not come to market until Easter when daffodils and bulbs are in full bloom. To move to the head of the queue, take advantage of the market now to find your buyer. It’s a less pressured process and with fewer properties for sale than in later months, there is no lack of hardcore buyers keen to do business and pay a sensible price. And with a committed buyer lined up, the playing field is distinctly more level for you take up position at the front of the queue. It also puts you in touch with vendors who are keen only to show their home to those ready and able to move. Steps taken now could just bring that dream home a little closer, sooner.
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