Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The online Estate Agent has support, but a ‘wait and see’ service just doesn’t deliver...

With a small fortune being spent on TV marketing, some backed by celebrity ‘property experts’, the writing is on the wall for the demise of the traditional High Street estate agent. Except we disagree!
For starters, a good High Street agent knows that one of their most valuable resources is their database of prospective buyers. The sales team know their buyers well enough to even line up viewings before the property reaches the internet start line.
It happened this week in Pedmore when we were invited to market a bungalow on behalf of vendors with a need for speed. An hour after our first visit, one of our team had targeted a ready buyer, lined up a viewing and negotiated a successful sale. Our buyers were delighted along with our vendors who could now pursue the home their sights were set on. Without the ability to proactively source buyers, ‘virtual’ agents that rely on a reactive ‘wait and see’ approach won’t deliver the targeted, effective service that Lex Allan and our established professional colleagues continue to provide by virtue of knowing not only their clients, but their buyers too.




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